Monday, January 25, 2010

Starting slow

There's no need to jump out of the decorating gate and go straight out to a store and buy everything to decorate your room from top to bottom. In fact, some of the best decorated spaces are done in pieces. I find that when you look in lots of places, not just one, you find many more things and many more ideas on how you want to decorate. Find a starting point, a color palette perhaps and go from there. Saw these really amazing curtains you love - get them, and build your room from there. It can be something as simple as a table runner or a bowl & candle set. Whatever you find, start there and build. Take your time, the right pieces will come to you. In the meantime, do a lot of browsing, don't be afraid to look and not buy! I know that's an odd concept, but take it from someone who knows - you don't have to buy everything. The right pieces & accents will find their way into your life and you'll be happy you waited for them.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New for 2010

I admit, I may have abandoned my blog in 2009, but now that my daughter is one, hopefully I can find more time to give advice about country decorating. Hope to see you all here in 2010!!!!!